Thursday, September 9, 2010

Brain food: September 2010

Spent a day in Chapters Indigo today, and naturally gravitated towards some insightful reading on films. Came across "The Filmmaker's Handbook" and had to buy it. It's basically a how-to on seemingly every aspect of the film making process, from start to finish...well, in terms of making the film itself, and not the production aspects. Which brings me to this other book I picked up:

This book seems to give an indy filmmaker all the inside info into the business aspect of filmmaking, getting funding, how to raise funds, creative decision process, casting, making pitches, trailers, yaddayaddayadda. This can be my saving grace down the line :)

1 comment:

  1. Looks amazing Karl! Look forward to reading more from you. Do what you love... unless that means 6 year old boys.
